Monday, April 27, 2009

The Black Box- shadow and light in my environments

The small 'black box' animation has particular significance to my work as it expresses and explores the play and relationship between the weight and strength of shadow and light. As the spidery shadows quickly break away from the box, they show that both heavy and lighter, more intricate shadows are important to create visual interest.

A still from the 'black box' animation by Erika Kruger
the animation can be viewed here:

In my environment there is a balance of heavy and detailed shadow and light, which would evolve as the sun moves across the sky and sets. The heavy shadow and light can be seen within the inside space, while the spidery shadow is cast by the platforms and ramps that stretch out far from the cliff face.
The glass box within my environment also shows a play on both types of shadow, as though it should have heavy shadows,being a hevy kind of object, the fact that it is glass and is lit up from behind makes it seem quite weightless and a bit eerie.

The shadows created by my outside space may also have relevance according to Kruger's exploration of ' the disconnected shadow' This long space creates a shadow which stands alone and trails off the face of the cliff, disconnected to any of the forms from which it falls, and also dissocnnected from the inside space, almost creating another 'visual space' in itself.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Axonometric Pairs!!!

Here are my axonometric pairings, where two of the previous axo drawings have been paired up in various ways and viewed from different angles.

Some exploration into variations of my chosen space...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

axonometric spaces

Here are the axonometrics I created drawing inspiration from the Jack Cousteau and Alfred Nobel quotes.

My draft attempts in UT04

Trying to explore cubes at different angles to try and get an interesting arrangement.

A Simplistic light keyhole from and plateau of 'discovery' for the outer space to balance the large heavy inner one.

experimenting with lighting and textures to see how best to express the sense of 'sameness' versus 'difference'

Monday, April 6, 2009

EXP 2- Scientist Quotes

Alfred Nobel

"A Chemical analysis is of course nothing other than this, and even mathematics has no other foundation. History is a picture of past similarities and differences; geography shows the differences in the earth's surface; geology, similarities and differences in the earth's formation, from which we deduce the course of its transformations. Astronomy is the study of similarities and differences between celestial bodies;physics, a study of similarities and differances that arise from the attraction and motive functions of matter. The only exception to this rule is religious doctrine, but even this rests on the similar gullibility of most people. Even metaphysics-if it is not too insane-must find support for its hypotheses in some kind of analogy. One can state, without exaggeration, that the observation of and search for similarities and differences are the basis of all human knowledge."

'Life and Philosophy of Alfred Nobel"- a Memorial adress by Tore Frangsmyr, the Royal Sweedish academy of sciences- 26th March 1996

Kind of interesting that Nobel, the inventor of dynamite among other explosive products is the patron of a peace prize....

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

" What is science after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know whats going on."

Christian Science Monitor ( 21 July 1971)

This image is great because it shows Cousteau kind of framed within a door himself, a possible keyhole. It also expresses his great sense of spirit and curiosity, an older man very physically a part of the pursuit of science.

For interests sake... Another great quote

"Sometimes we are lucky enough to know that our lives have been changed, to discard the old, embrace the new, and turn headlong down an immutable course"

"The Silent World" by Capt. Jacques-Yves Cousteau with Frederic Dumas 2004 National

Keith Campbell

"Cloning may be good and it may be bad. Probably it's a bit of both. The question must not be greeted with reflex hysteria but decided quietly, soberly and on it's own merits. We need less emotion and more thought."

From:-Richard Dawkin, Quotesea (2007)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


This link to download my sketchup model doesn't seem to link directly when you click on it, but when pasted into the url, it works just fine, and you can acess my model.

Here is the Link again

Animations of My Model

This animation explores my upper space, and attempts to explore its intricacy.

This Video Shows the Lower shift place of Gascoigne, and explores iit's shifting nature and how this relates to the artwork.

This video shows the stairs leading to the exit of Gascoigne's shift space into the open air shared 'gallery' space of the two artists. The Intricate Stairs of Halls Building can be seen in the distance.

My Final Sketchup Model and link to actual model

Here is the Link to go to my Final Sketchup Model...

Some Images

Here are the three images for my final sketchup model. This model can be viewed at the google warehouse, By searching my name  Alice Furber, ARCH1101 or EXP 1. Enjoy!