My mashup reads:
Madonna, Mr Obama, Prada (the woman) wants to recast the focus, change the world. He/she must have a certain serenity. A certain above-the-fray quality. And a flat out disregard for what you think. Fear and Power do not peacefully coexist.
"She never follows anyone elses lead, just her own original energy" She was the catalyst that sliced away at genre straightjackets like a surgeon, more sweeping than anyone had anticpipated, her style, aggressive aesthetic chic by being anti-chic experimentation; her forays into perverse color combinations and patterns; intellectualised dressing marked by a reflexive urge to defy the status quo. Liberate yourself, and the rest will follow. More often than not she can make something beautiful with it. Superstar status, provocative relationship.
"I love it, of course" she added
"Hes got the whole world in his hands" He is charastmatic, unafraid of a good fight. He milked his audience ( an insiders badge of belonging) ruthlessly. He beamed and gesticultaed like a schoolboy, who wishes to reach the most rarified and potent ranks because of the rush it gives her, but also to sell
shaking a thousand hands of adoring supporters opening the doors for the future "The way we think of ourselves, the way we compose ourselves everyday, for me this is very profound.
she wins, he will not resist.
This article expresses a range of ideas related to power and power structures. The mashup begins with the idea of power as a force to create change within the world. It then explores the individual characteristics of the three strong clients, a disregard for the status quo, innovation and freshness within their works and a daring attitude. All of these are essential to their success. The masup becomes more dark, as it suggests the double sided and potentially false nature of power, as one uses underhanded tactics to gain popularity, as well as the alterior motives often associated with power.
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